Old After Effects Edits
Here is a collection of some of my old edits from late 2021 - early 2022
These do NOT demonstrate my current skills at all...
Pi'erre Bourne- Life Of Pierre 5

This was my last edit before I begun to learn blender and use my own clips instead of recycling music videos from the artists. This edit helped me discover what rotoscoping is, before I just masked out each frame or used a color key. I used a various amount different effects, mainly ones from the sapphire AE plugin. This entire edit is WAY too oversaturated and bright I apologize for your eyes.
$NOT- Pressure
This was my first edit after I discovered what keyframes were :0
For a good amount of time I was just using preset transitions and effects, you can see how well that ended for me in the edit below this. I was very proud of this edit for a long time, as it was my first time attempting proper motion design such as the elevator scene, I thought I did a good job... debatable.

Playboi Carti- On That Time

This was my first ever edit I ever did using after effects. I definitely think for my first edit using after effects its not terrible. Defiantly came a long way. I used ALOT of random effects with ZERO correlation, but I guess I didn't know any better to I cant really say anything about it. This was a lot of fun for me especially as somehow it managed to get over 2k views on Instagram, which for a first post on that account with zero promotion is very good.